by admin | Thu,Aug,2023 | Black Trauma, Emotions, Poetry, Spoken Word, Trauma
I think of you. I know you barely remember MeBut today, I can tell you: I walk in the streets without fearI love with all my heartI am not afraid of the doorI can sleep without my lights on or without a background noise I think of you. I know you barely remember meBut...
by admin | Fri,Nov,2022 | Emotions, Managing Pain, Poetry, Spoken Word
I was looking at my hand. I have a scar, I don’t remember the pain it caused, but I remember how I got it. It was an adventure. I can’t see the scars on my heart and mind, I can hear them singI remember how they got there. But they don’t stingNot in the slightest. I...
by admin | Tue,Sep,2022 | Black Trauma, Education
Audio Version A video was circulating on social media about an evening discussing Black trauma. Roz, who works with the organisation Little Ro said it would be ‘healing and humorous’. They are not two words I would put together, especially with Black trauma. But I...
by admin | Thu,May,2022 | Emotions, Poetry, Spoken Word
Step Spoken Word You, who do you think you are? You, be quiet You, do as you are told Words that limit, detract, and destroy Words you may have heard and did not enjoy Words from a father, a mother, a sibling Words from a teacher, a colleague or friend Those words...
by admin | Thu,Mar,2022 | Opportunity, Training
Step into a world where compassion reigns supreme, and every voice finds a sanctuary—a world of peer support that’s as enriching as it is transformative. Here, we offer survivors of abuse a lifeline, a community where healing is not just possible; it’s...
by Little Ro | Sat,May,2020 | Emotions, Healing, Little Ro, Poetry, Spoken Word
This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness Some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, Who violently sweep your house empty of...
by admin | Sun,Dec,2019 | Child Sex Abuse, CSA, Little Ro
Fostering Unity and Resilience: One Person, One Heart, One Spirit at a Time A shining star of hope, determination, and unwavering purpose emerges in a world of noise, chaos, and distractions. Little Ro, a symbol of resilience and strength, has stepped onto the stage...